Work With Send It Society


We focus on creating well-paying
independent job opportunities around the country.

We offer the highest commission rates
in the industry paired with a positive message.

Join Us Today

Send It Society Is Always Looking For New Members!

Green Tea Leaves


What Is A Member?

  Send It Society members are those looking to spread the message, help build the community and, the best part, get paid to do so! Currently, members must be based in the US.

Green Tea Leaves


How Much Can I Make?

We offer the highest compensation percentage in the industry.
(Average rates are 3-10%)
Ours starts at 20%!

Green Tea Leaves


How Do I Start Earning?

 Once approved, we will provide you with a unique discount-code and URL you can use to encourage your friends, family and even strangers to join Send It Society!

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You will earn 25% of all sales that utilize your code.

Simple example! If your code is used for the purchase of 20 items a week, you’ll make about $600 a month!

We'll also be sending out exclusive goodies to members!

100% of proceeds from sales driven by members are donated to charity.
(We like to clarify this as it's a really helpful promotional and selling tool!)

In other words, you’re getting paid to spread a positive message, hook people up with a discount code on some stellar gear and raise money for charity! So, I guess, you're welcome?

How much will I need to sell to make money?
How do I get paid?
What are the requirements to be a Member?
I work at a store that should carry Send It Society gear!
I have more questions!